High altitude balloon launch with science payloads by the Columbus Space Program. 2015 May 02.

Launched from New Liberty Community Church, Buena Vista, GA, W 84.39047° N 32.39288° at 9:06 am EDT.

Flight time 1 hr 43 min.

Landed in a farm field W 83.79044° N 32.19162°

Maximum altitude (per W4CHS-3 tracker): 88,778 ft

W4CHS-3 is an APRS tracker built with an Argent Data Systems Tracker3 Mini, SRB MX145H radio (200 mw), and GT-320FW gps, powered by two Tangsfire Li-ion cells and packaged inside a sandwich box with an antenna made of steel tape measure.

Flight Path

See the raw data from W4CHS-3 as harvested from aprs.fi.

See the raw data from W4CHS-12 as harvested from aprs.fi.

Release Video

Raw video 2015-05-02_13.05.59.mp4.


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